Your iPersonic compatibility check

Your iPersonic compatibility check

The following personality types have been compared:

iPersonic Personality TypeLaid-back Doer: extroverted, practical, emotional, spontaneous, enthusiastic, friendly, playful, lively, talkative, nonchalant, tolerant, happy, pleasant, generous, flexible, wily, attractive, relationship-oriented, generous, adventurous, fun-loving, creative, helpful, action-loving, casual, sociable, open, sensitive, touchy, erratic, curious, noncommittal, action-loving
Get the iPersonic Relationship Profile Get the iPersonic Relationship Profile for the Laid-back Doer

iPersonic Personality TypeLaid-back Doer: extroverted, practical, emotional, spontaneous, enthusiastic, friendly, playful, lively, talkative, nonchalant, tolerant, happy, pleasant, generous, flexible, wily, attractive, relationship-oriented, generous, adventurous, fun-loving, creative, helpful, action-loving, casual, sociable, open, sensitive, touchy, erratic, curious, noncommittal, action-loving
Get the iPersonic Relationship Profile Get the iPersonic Relationship Profile for the Laid-back Doer

Compatibility analysis

When you two met, it was probably love at first glance. You are as fundamentally alike as two individuals can be, and therefore understand each other very well - you are what people like to call „soul mates“. Since you have all four type preferences in common, you share the same values, temperaments and interests. Therefore, you usually experience a very comfortable and steady relationship.

You both wear your hearts on your tongues, so you never risk to end up in bored or angry silence - your mutual desire to talk about things helps you stay connected. Friendly, openminded and helpful, you try to support each other wherever you can as you are naturally aware of each other‘s needs and wishes. You are both outgoing, know a lot of people and enjoy social events, either as hosts or guests. Active and full of energy, you like being involved in many projects at the same time. These similar social needs are the base for a vibrant and intense relationship full of common interests!

The fact that you have the second preference in common - „sensing“ - makes your relationship a very stable and reliable one. You are both realistic, sensitive people and blessed with great common sense, so you both pay close attention to details and know that being in seventh heaven may be part, but never base of a relationship. Adaptable, down-to-earth and pragmatic as you both are you handle day-to-day‘s matters without further ado, take good care of each other and try to nurture and please each other wherever you can. As your sensory perception is much stronger and more sensitive than the one of intuitive types, you both appreciate a home full of warmth, comfort and style where you can relax and spend good times together. Relationships between two sensing types are also often characterized by a strong sexiness and eroticism.

Your sharing of the third type preference - „feeling“ - helps you experience a strong emotional connection unlike any either of you could have with a thinking partner. Both of you care deeply about each other and bring a high degree of commitment to your relationship. You are both very sensitive and warm, love to help and please each other and appreciate the fact that this works vice versa. Feeling people like you two place a high value on harmony in their relationship and try to avoid anything that might upset their partner (often enough at own cost), so that finding a compromise and reassuring each other is your common top goal. Neither of you will ever miss an opportunity to pay the other a compliment or praise the quality of your partnership!

„Casual, flexible and easygoing - that‘s the lifestyle you both prefer. As you both share the fourth type preference - „perceiving“ -, you are freedom-loving and both are happiest when you can respond to the moment rather than plan ahead. Neither of you is especially concerned about structure or driven to make decisions, on the contrary you both prefer to pursue whatever piques your curiosity - and drop it the moment it becomes familiar or routine. Impulsive by nature, you appreciate each other‘s penchant for spontaneity and talent to improvise. Due to your common dislike of household chores and day-to-day necessities as well as your tendency to procrastinate, your life may sometimes become a bit chaotic and more than one project may be left half-finished - but who cares?

Learn how to live a fulfilling relationship!

Check out your complete iPersonic Relationship Profile! You will find out what it takes to find live a satisfying long term relationship. Written by a leading couple therapy expert. Check it out now!