Your iPersonic compatibility check

Your iPersonic compatibility check

The following personality types have been compared:

iPersonic Personality TypeEngaged Idealist: extroverted, theoretical, emotional, planning, idealistic, committed, likable, enthusiastic, responsible, helpful, loyal, diplomatic, friendly, inspiring, caring, solicitous, optimistic, effusive, adaptable, communicative, articulate, convincing, energetic, optimistic, open, vulnerable
Get the iPersonic Relationship Profile Get the iPersonic Relationship Profile for the Engaged Idealist

iPersonic Personality TypeHarmony-seeking Idealist: introverted, theoretical, emotional, planning, idealistic, harmony-seeking, understanding, peace-loving, sensitive, quiet, sympathetic, conscientious, dogged, complicated, inconspicuous, warm-hearted, complex, imaginative, inspiring, helpful, demanding, communicative, reserved, vulnerable
Get the iPersonic Relationship Profile Get the iPersonic Relationship Profile for the Harmony-seeking Idealist

Compatibility analysis

With three shared type preferences you have usually no trouble understanding each other and have a tremendous amount in common - good for you, as similarity hardly ever causes serious conflicts between people. Your difference on the fourth preference may result in some rare frustrations and misunderstandings here and there, but nothing you two couldn‘t handle.

Your different social needs may create some frustrations in your relationship. While the introverted partner is content to maintain a small group of close friends and likes to spend a lot of time on his own, often lost in his thoughts, the extroverted partner desperately hungers for contact, social interaction and being engaged in a variety of activities. The extroverted may feel frustrated by his partner‘s need to retreat from everyone - even from the one he loves. The introverted, in return, may be overwhelmed by his partner‘s quick and sometimes impatient way of communication. So you both tend to end up in a cat-and-mouse game: the extroverted chasing the introverted, constantly asking questions like „how do you feel?“, „a penny for your thoughts!“ or „do you still love me?“ ... Try to respect these differences rather than to fight them and learn to appreciate your partner‘s special strenghts as a potential completion of yours.

The sharing of the second preference - „intuition“ - guarantees a very special intellectual connection between the two of you. You are both driven by a unique perspective and a vision of how the world could be. Hours will pass unnoticed, while you plunge into deep discussions about your ideas, theories, possibilities, the meaning of life, and a thousand other things - these are usually your best times together. You love and admire each other‘s creativity and ingenuity and never fail to inspire each other. Since neither of you pays close attention to routine or mundane details, practical matters such as paying bills, maintaining the home or taking the car to the long-overdue inspection may often be neglected - but who cares! You are perfectly happy together in your world full of stimulating and challenging debates and fantasies and don‘t give a damn about everyday bits and pieces.

Your sharing of the third type preference - „feeling“ - helps you experience a strong emotional connection unlike any either of you could have with a thinking partner. Both of you care deeply about each other and bring a high degree of commitment to your relationship. You are both very sensitive and warm, love to help and please each other and appreciate the fact that this works vice versa. Feeling people like you two place a high value on harmony in their relationship and try to avoid anything that might upset their partner (often enough at own cost), so that finding a compromise and reassuring each other is your common top goal. Neither of you will ever miss an opportunity to pay the other a compliment or praise the quality of your partnership!

You have the fourth type preference - „judging“ - in common and therefore share a need to have things settled, planned and organized. Therefore, you both like to research your options quickly and make almost instant decisions rather than hanging on endlessly, hesitating and procrastinating. You both enjoy a neat and tidy home, are responsible about your household chores and never ever miss an important deadline. As you are both quite goal-oriented, you often help each other accomplish great things by supporting and encouraging each other within your means. Neither of you values sudden changes, interruptions or surprises of your daily routine. You can rely on each other in every respect - and you know and appreciate this very special quality of your relationship.

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